Originally Posted by Starter986
How do you know the MAF is bad?
Clean the MAF using the proper stuff... drive it around... see if the code doesn't clear (or clear it after cleaning the MAF and wait to see if it doesn't resurface.)
The codes could/might/may be associated.
Alternative? Disconnect the MAF connection and drive her home diagnosing her fron the comfort of your own driveway.
Best wishes! 
thx. Codes are associated for sure. Used CRC MAF cleaner last week and all was good, CEL went away. About 400 mi. into the trip it returned. Ordered a new one from Pelican to ship overnight. Went to Memphis. They put it on a truck for a 15 hour ride to CO. Now its locked in a container and I can't get it til Tuesday. Not happy with Pelican or FedEx.