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Old 05-15-2020, 07:33 PM   #5708
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Originally Posted by Traco View Post
Finished drilling out the last of the 3 broken bolts on the block. Used the stomski racing toolkit / jig for it. Slow going but worked really well. All that was required after each drilling process was to run a tap through it to clean the threads. Did it on the other bolt holes also. The bolts on mine went 16mm into the block. Might be helpful for anyone wondering how deep to drill. Measure measure measure. The last thing you want to do is drill too deep and into the block.

Few pics attached for ref. It's a slow process but satisfying when done. I cleaned the surface but I can still see stuff / staining on the surface. I can feel any lips but should I keep cleaning and get shiny metal or is it good enough? I mean how clean does it need to be? This is after wet 240 sandpaper and steel wool. I didn't go too crazy but as I've done this much right it would be shame to mess up on the gasket faces.

Nice work, Traco. As long as the surface feels smooth when you drag your fingers over it you should be good. For future reference, don't use sandpaper or steel wool on aluminum mating surfaces. It's too easy to wear it down unevenly and you won't have a true flat surface. I use Scotch-Brite and brake cleaner.

Last edited by piper6909; 05-15-2020 at 07:36 PM.
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