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Old 05-12-2020, 09:10 PM   #120
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Join Date: Oct 2018
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It`s nice of Porsche that they marked the best crankshaft position to insert pistons. This is for #6.

Piston going down. Manual says if the wristpin or circlip insertion fails, the piston can be removed by pulling it out using something glued on the top of the piston as leverage. I don`t want to go down that road.

Wristpin on the insertion tool.

I might have missed it, but the manual doesn`t say a word about how to set the connecting rod in the center so that the wristpin can slide in. I spent a good 20 minutes on trying to align the conrod in the middle by grabbiing it through the oil pan side, no luck. Then I just flipped the whole engine upside down and used gravity to hold the conrod in center. I still have no idea how this could be done otherwise

Wristpin in piston #6, circlip is ready to go.

Passing by the toilet paper roll used to hold conrod #5 aside.

This step requires some practice. The circlip has to be inserted using quite a bit of force. If you try it out a couple of times prior to the actual assembly I think it`s hard to screw it up.

To make sure the circlip is properly seated I used my DSLR camera and made close-ups from the other side of the engine through the insertion hole and then I zoomed in. I`m convinced it won`t fly out.

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