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Old 05-02-2020, 11:15 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Lowski View Post
Thanks everyone for the info.

I took the bumper cover off this morning. The good news is the radiators, headlights, bumper beam and the radiator plumbing in the front is all good. It looks like my bumper beam indeed slid under the bumper of the other car and the frunk tub took the impact.

It looks like the main parts I will need are the hood, bumper cover, retaining strip (#11 in the figure) and possibly a new hood latch as its a bit bent. All these part changes are an easy DIY for me. Getting the frunk tub pulled back is the wildcard. Maybe I should get out that sledge hammer......

This car has been great for the last 3 years will little trouble. It came with most of the maintenance history. All I have had to do is a MAF and a coolant tank. So while I enjoy the car there are pending issues that I know may come along and bite me in the future. The cost of these future items may be worth taking the money depending on the amount. I'll see what the estimate comes back at and see if I can a la carte it depending on the results.

Things that will need to be addressed at some point.

- plugs, tubes, seals, coils in 10,000 miles
- It still has the original water pump, front engine mount, AOS, clutch and IMS.
- The rear window has a crack in it.
- The tires are getting a bit old as is the battery.
- Random fluid changes

More to come once I get the estimate scheduled and completed.
Yeah, that's great news! Pretty much what I suspected in my prior post. I would ask a body shop to straighten the tub out. It shouldn't cost much. Then look on for the other parts. Like I said, there's a place in CA that has black frunk lid and bumper cover. I think your car is black, right? Not having to repaint will be a big time and money saver.
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