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Old 05-01-2020, 06:55 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Rickvd View Post
Question. In instances like this where the insurance looks to total the car and you negotiate a buyout do you have to be wary of a salvage title? Or not? I don’t know just asking for my own knowledge. Rick
Yes, if the insurance totals it, you may be able to buy it back with a Salvage Title. You'd have to repair it, send to to a facility that does "enhanced inspections" and if it passes, the car will then have a "reconstructed title", which makes it road legal. It will always be branded "reconstructed". At least that's how it works in PA.

Lowski, Like RacerBoy said, the insurance company will most likely total it.

If you like the car, you can probably fix it yourself for 2k or less, if you're willing to do some of the work yourself and not looking for perfection. Looks like the damage was above the 'bumper beam' and nothing structural was damaged. By that, I mean suspension, steering, frame, etc. Although the bent part helps keep the rigidity in the front end. See if you can find a shop that will pull the frunk tub straight. Then look on and if you get lucky you'll find a used hood and bumper cover with matching paint. then bolt the parts on. I saw a place in CA that has a black hood and bumper cover. They may ship or you may have to take a road trip.

If you don't involve the insurance company, the car will not be totaled and you'll keep the clean title.

Good luck.

Last edited by piper6909; 05-02-2020 at 04:13 AM.
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