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Old 02-05-2020, 11:17 AM   #12
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Join Date: Nov 2019
Location: Arkansas
Posts: 39
Based on the responses below, I plan to change alignment as recommended and use LCAs in the front to get the camber needed so that i don't wear the outside of the track tires so fast. I'm also now convinced that i need to sell my 18" OZ wheel set and get another set of 17" wheels as my dedicated track wheel set [with NT01s - 225 (or 235?) in front and 255 in rear]. The original stock wheels will have the RE71R autocross/rain tires mounted (225 in front and 255 in rear). I also plan to install roll bar extension, race seats, harnesses, underdrive pulley and deep sump pan kit - all recommendations for track use.

Some of the track mods listed above are not allowed in SCCA C Street class but are allowed in the Street Touring Roadster (STR) class - at least based on my interpretation/understanding of the rules. STR is the class i plan to run in autocross.

Another round of questions based on suggestions below:
1. Front or rear adjustable sway bar? Neither? Both?
2. Will 235 fit on front with LCAs and stock struts?
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