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Old 02-04-2020, 06:23 PM   #5
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Join Date: Nov 2019
Location: Arkansas
Posts: 39
Thank you for all of your input.

I already have the stock 17” wheels for the RE71Rs for autocross. I also already own the 18” OZ wheels that I had from when I tracked my 997. Based on my research, another set of 17” wheels will cost me between $500 and $1000. The difference in cost between the 17” NT01s and the wider 18” R888Rs is about $250.

Does that change any of the recommendations? Will the limited number of runs that I get out of the R888Rs versus the NT01s quickly eat up the cost savings realized by using the 18” wheels versus buying new 17” wheels?

I’m a big fan of the NT01s, so I won’t need a whole lot of convincing. And, if you tell me the 17” NT01 setup is faster I have some 18” OZs for sale.
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