Originally Posted by tommy583
OMG Fred what a great new years present. I was worried you were locked up or worse. 
Oh man, 'trouble' is my middle name. Not locked up but got close when the tax bureau dropped by the shop back in mid Jan '19, the time I was most busy with machines running 24/7 for two oem. I now do log all assets, tools, and job contracts lol. Got hit pretty badly + a fine where most if not all of the '18's profits disappeared overnight :/ My fault, new at this game so... yea, playing that good boy thing now and 'comply' (40+ something years later, finally got the message lol).
Originally Posted by PaulDash
Yay! He's back!
Fred, I hope you're back on your feet and stay out of trouble.
If there's another round of Fred's Projectors coming, sign me up!
Paul I really can't promise anything right now, just catching up with all of this makes me realize there could be some demand. Give me a few weeks to think about that and I might come up with a plan. Problem is the production machines... they are all set-up for someone else and running daily on these customers' parts. Could certainly outsource but as you know those parts will end up costing you and I both a bloody fortune. Need time to look at option(s) and I'll update as soon as I find a solution to this lil problem.
Good to hear from you and see that you are still here! Happy New Year to you!