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Old 12-21-2019, 02:40 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by maytag View Post
I bought a set of "raceworks" coilovers. They're around $1500-ish, as I recall. I've not yet installed them but on inspection they seem to be quality items.
They received high reviews from several people I trust.
Two-way damping adjustment, etc.
I'll check them out Maytag, thanks. What size springs?

Originally Posted by WizardSmokey View Post
You're doing pretty much what I did to mine. (I've got a thread that might be helpful, if you're interested.) Mine started out as a budget track car project.

With my car COMPLETELY gutted, and a roll bar welded in, it's still just a bit over 2400lbs. And I mean completely gutted; all carpets, sound insulation, even the whole dash assembly gone (gauges zip-tied to the steering column, that sort of gutted.) Just food for thought.

You wanna do this on a budget? I run Godspeed coilovers off ebay for under $900. Done multiple races, and for a budget build, they're incredible bang for the buck. That's all I've done to the suspension on mine, and at the track and pushing hard, I don't feel left wanting. Adjustable spring rate, dampening, ride height, and the fronts have camber plates.

As for tires, Federal 595 SS or the 595 RS-RR. Yes, there are better tires out there, but not for the price. Performance per dollar is great, especially with their longevity.

Both of those things will save you some cash, so if I may, allow me to suggest some alternatives. The biggest would be a proper seat. In my experience, the stock seats on the 986 allow you to slide around a good bit. That, as well as a quality short shifter and a suede wheel in slightly smaller than stock diameter tie the driving position down.
I've followed your build all along, and it's been very helpful. No engine swaps for me, though!
Familiar with Godspeeds from watching other builds. What size springs?
Seat, steering wheel, shifter and linkage are in another budget category and seriously needed.
Lowering the weight is one of my obsessions so that is a fun project.
Thanks, WS.
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