Thread: Rats! Got hit!
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Old 11-12-2019, 11:58 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by thstone View Post
I seriously doubt that there is any frame damage from such a small accident. My race car had WAY more front end body damage than that and the frame was perfectly fine.

Xpit77 is correct about the extent of the repairs. The cost will end up around $5K-$7K.
I had a similar situation a couple years ago, with the same concern regarding the car potentially being totaled. Damage seems similar, though I had more fender damage and, as I recall, no hood damage. Although the impact looks like it might have been greater in my case (compared with that of the OP), I was convinced there was no structural/frame damage (an opinion later confirmed) and it just seemed ridiculous to total a car for easily fixable damage that was basically cosmetic. Especially since the car ran like a top (and still does) with no mechanical issues whatsoever. The concept of “wanting” to get rid of such a vehicle just because it’s been in a minor accident and with the mindset that there’s plenty of potential replacements out there just seems silly and wasteful to me. I’ll admit it though—if I like a car I’ll drive it until it dies of old age. (This one quite likely falls into that category.)

The total, before tax, came to $6,575. It actually would have been a few hundred less but I had them go ahead and respray the hood—I had dozens of small rock chips that looked kinda crappy. Insurance company paid to cover the rest, less the deductible. Mine is also an '01. It is an “S” but, at the time, it had about 22k more miles than yours on the odometer. FWIW, it also had had the LN IMS done.
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