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Old 10-18-2019, 04:28 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by maytag View Post
Thanks for the thoughtful reply.
The car is an '03 S. I just installed a motor from an '04 S. Had an odd "flat spot", put the factory tune back in, same thing.
Unplugged the MAF, problem went away.


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Unplugging the MAF on a Porsche seems to work as a test of the MAF for the Porsche.
I did that to test a friends Ford pickup. Truck would not even start with the MAF unplugged.

Your 03 S should have the wire type. They can be tested with a multimeter but I don't know the values. I do know they are more sensitive then lots of people realize.
You can mess them up just by touching the wire with your fingers new from the box.

You could go to YouTube and look for testing methods of MAF sensors.
If you want to be more confident it is the MAF before replacing it.
Scannerdanner is very good and has tons of info on diagnostics.
he will have numerous videos on MAF sensor related issues.

Last edited by blue62; 10-18-2019 at 07:14 PM.
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