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Old 10-11-2019, 04:54 AM   #2
1998 Boxster Silver/Red
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Originally Posted by speedyspaghetti View Post
Hey all -

So about a week ago codes P1128 and P1130 popped up on my car. I did some research and found that a dirty throttle body / MAF might be the issue. I got to the engine and cleaned the TB (didn't do the MAF because I realized I didn't have a security torx bit), reset the computer by disconnecting the battery, and was good to go.

Drove the car for another week and today the CEL came back - same codes. Obviously, the MAF might be an issue to look at, but what else should I be looking for? I tried taking the oil cap off while idling and it was really difficult - I could eventually lift it a bit and get a vacuum "hiss" but I cannot physically take the cap off with the engine running. Is this indicative of an issue? AOS?

Thanks for any help...
Get the proper tools (Torx) and clean that MAF. Go to Harbor Freight.

That tight oil cap... leads me to believe it is an AOS preparing to wonk on you.

Clean that MAF.
1998 Porsche Boxster
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