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Old 09-03-2019, 05:40 AM   #6
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In my picture above you can see I covered it. Nope. Not again. The wind effect will lift it up and flap the entire time you're going down the road. The picture above is before. By the time I got home all I had was a rag flapping in the breeze. I honestly wouldn't worry about a cover. It's just one more variable to deal with.

Also - if you use the same type of trailer I was using, the engine of the Boxster set right between the trailer axles. It was a very balanced ride.

Here's bringing my '02S back from Tulsa. It was only a couple hour trip, but it came home just like this.

Once you load it, you'll play hell getting the doors open. Better to drop the top and go out over the top.
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I think I have a Porsche problem...
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