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Old 08-25-2019, 01:15 AM   #1
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Join Date: Jul 2019
Location: Denmark
Posts: 3
Humming noise in cabin.

Hi all,
I am look8ng for help and advice with the following problem. Problems quite similar to mine has been discussed in other threads, but in my case things are a bit different.
I have asked a very knoweledgeable friend in the US who has been very helpful in other cases. As a start he suggests to check the switches one by one to narrow down the problem. I will do that, but I would like to know if others has had the same problem.
Here it goes...
A few days ago the battery was flat. Can't say why as the battery is quite new and has no issues. After charging the car a humming/buzzing noise has appeared. No matter whar I do it remains. For 3 days now. Engine on or off, key in or out - no difference. Only when I disconnect the battery it stops. So I guess it must be some electrical part.
The sound seems to come from the right part of the dash. Or maybe atound the aircon. But sounds are tricky...
At the same time as the noise began another odd thing happend. The light in the light switch for the headlamps are on all the time. The light in the actual contact I mean. It is dim and hard to see, but it is on no matter what I do.
Could there be a connection between the 2 problems? Any idea for a fix?
The car, a 1998 Boxster 2.5, is otherwise in very good sharpe with no electrical issues.
Any help is very welcome!
Lars, Denmark
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