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Old 06-25-2019, 07:48 PM   #4
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I just repeated my version of a parasitic draw test on my 2000S Boxster and my 1960 Austin Healey.
Not what I expected from the Boxster it showed near battery voltage with everything off. if I turned anything on very little change in voltage maybe a 10th of a volt. near same results with amperage setting on the Multi meter.

The Austin Healey was more of what I expected.
No voltage or amperage draw with everything off.
if I turned on the lights or heater fan to simulate draw well of course I got a reading.

The fact that the Boxster is always drawing current for the computer or what ever makes my method invalid for the Boxster.

But it would work for the Austin Healey because when you turn the key and lights off no power goes to anything.

I apologize for any confusion to the original poster of the thread.!!!

A big thank you to Particlewave you caused me to double check my methods and correct them. Always good to learn new things
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