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Old 06-12-2019, 07:00 AM   #51
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Originally Posted by wrs986 View Post
Just got the call from the shop. A piece of metal from the emergency brake did break off and was stuck inside the drum causing the squealing sound. It did ware a groove in the drum but not enough to replace the drum. A little over $400 to repair. I’ll have to wait a few days for the parts to come from Porsche. Should have it back in a couple of days. Still really surprised the former owner’s mechanics couldn’t find the problem. I didn’t understand how the brake assembly worked. Now that I know the emergency brake is a simple drum brake inside the hub of the disc it’s one of the first things I would have checked since driving and using the disc brakes didn’t effect the noise. Good honest mechanics are hard to find
Thanks for letting the forum know the final out come. It helps those of us who DIY get better at figuring out problems. Glad members here were able to help point to things to look for. Enjoy the car they are great fun to drive
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