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Old 06-05-2019, 06:05 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by wrs986 View Post
If the tell tail signs of a bad wheel bearing are not there (play in the wheel, noise when you spin it on a jack) would the wheel at least be hot after a drive?
If it was squealing during the drive and you check the hub for heat I would think yes it would be hot or at least warm depending how far you drove it while acting up.

My question is..... are you 100% certain the noise is coming from the rear wheel?????
After all I assume you are inside the car when you hear it.

Could it be something else????? Water pump? power steering pump? Idler pully? Alternator? All those things are right behind your seats. sound travels.

take it for a drive and get it to squeal. see if you can tell if the sound changes with different engine RPM. see if the sound changes with different road speed.
If you have a standard transmission see if the sound changes with clutch pedal in versus out while moving.
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