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Old 06-04-2019, 11:51 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by wrs986 View Post
I do have one question, how dangerous is it to drive if the sound is so intermittent and it goes from no sound to the horrible squealing sound? I’d like it be be doing it when I take it to the shop.
I got to think if the bearing is compromised it should get hot and eventually come apart.
"Horrible squealing" is a clue. But your Horrible squealing could be my "Hmmm that does sound right" wheel bearings don't usually come apart they seize up.

When I have an issue with an automobile that I think is serious. (more so with engine or trans issues). I think long and hard before I drive or even start the car. (If engine related). Why???? Because all the moving parts are inter related one simple issue can become a blown engine or trans.

If what your hearing, seeing ,feeling, smelling, thinking, is wheel bearing, then you have to make a judgment call. drive to the shop or not.

how far is it? hiway or city streets? you can try it. If it starts to squeal pull over feel the hub for heat. let it cool down if hot. try again. Or you may just make it no problem
What ever happens let us know what you find. that helps us all learn.
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