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Old 05-17-2019, 10:35 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by MichaelV View Post
These are the gen 2 version and they are updated to not have any of those issues anymore and they also have a warranty.

As I said above these are the gen 2 version which have had all those issues corrected and they also come with a warranty so there should be no worry. I've had them on my car for a month now without an issue.
I understand your optimism, but your statement is false. The "new" version is simply an updated look. The materials and LEDs are the same and some have already failed.

The first generation also had a warranty, but it was nearly impossible to get anyone to honor it. I know that a certain member here had to wait almost 2 years to get a replacement from Xtreme and still had the same quality issues.

Best of luck, though.
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