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Old 05-16-2019, 11:15 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Jgkram View Post
First, I applaud anyone willing to spend time, energy and effort (not to mention money) on trying to upgrade and treat these cars well. However, in the end I have to agree with Charles on this one. We seem to be losing the respect and admiration for what this car really is and has become which is a classic in every sense of the word. They are beautifully crafted cars in their own right and we seem to continue to try to turn them into something they were never meant to be by applying more and more makeup. At some point they look more like a street walker rather than the beautiful girl she really is. Again, I take nothing away from what you did and credit you for it. If it's right for you...well done and go for it.
Got to agree 100%, one of the things I love about my gen 1 S is its age and originality. No one wants to see their granny in a miniskirt and high heels.

Embrace age and let your boxster embrace it too. If these cars ever do start to become collectable it will be the standard ones that people want.

Yes those headlights may be made well but made better that the OEM ones? nah

Its great your investing time and money in your car but do it in other ways

Last edited by YellowS2000; 05-16-2019 at 11:18 PM.
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