Thread: Roof Rattle
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Old 05-09-2019, 05:46 AM   #1
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Roof Rattle

I am still trying to figure out a rattle from my right rear. As mentioned previously, I had it looked at twice and no one found a problem with the suspension. It was a Porsche Indie so I am assuming they know what they were doing.

Has anyone experience any rattle from the roof mechanism? Is there anywhere that might rattle but lessens as the engine gets warmer? I tried shaking the coolant tank, seems tight. The oil stick has a little play but I couldn't hear the rattle with engine running.

Any thoughts on something in the engine bay that could possibly rattle on the right side.

Car is a 986 S.

Thanks. It drives me nuts since I try to keep up on problems. This one I just cant figure out.
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