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Old 09-22-2018, 02:03 PM   #23
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Join Date: Jan 2016
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Originally Posted by Brian in Tucson View Post
I didn't see this thread previously. I would never attempt to restore this catastrophe. An I'd be depressed and discouraged just to look at it.

Could make a nice parts car if the price were cheaper. No way it's worth $1000.
not in the US,
but in Australia it certainty was cheap,
I think you guys in the US need to come visit and see how expensive a car hobby in Australia is haha
it is by far the cheapest boxster with a motor that I have ever seen,
remembering it had a complete motor with all accessories that I sold for $800 so pretty sure it was worth it,
I used that to buy a whole Audi 4.2 A6 for $900 which I sold $700 worth of parts off, free motor swap haha
the spare change went to buying a SMF conversion flywheel clutch for a 3L turbo v6 audi thus completing the conversion parts,
you cant buy a second hand trans for under 2k over here so I'm still in front,
it will always always be a bitsa but that's the fun,
got motivated and trimmed the front nose clip and welded back on, now looking less depressing...

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