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Old 09-19-2018, 08:31 PM   #28
Certified Boxster Addict
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Los Angeles
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Originally Posted by MWS View Post
Radium_King once posted "rule of thumb - 10 lbs = 1 hp" in the thread:
Lets test it.

Anyone in LA or OC have a stock 986 that they would be willing to use for a couple of 0-60 runs?

I'll bring my Spec Boxster (stock engine and trans) which has been weighed repeatedly at races (2655 lbs with 195 lb driver and 1/8 tank gas).

We can swap cars so we have two sets of data to average out the driver. You'll get to drive a Spec Boxster.

I also have an AIM Solo GPS timer which has a 0-60 mode. It starts counting as soon as motion is detected and stops the time at 60mph.

Then we can do the maths and know roughly what 1lb is worth in terms of 0-60 mph.

Its not perfect, but it will be fun and we'll have a rough order value to banter about.

PM me if interested.
1999 996 C2 - sold - bought back - sold for more
1997 Spec Boxster BSR #254
1979 911 SC
POC Licensed DE/TT Instructor
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