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Old 09-10-2018, 12:07 AM   #3
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Some rear camera install pictures here...

There is a rubber grommet in the rear trunk that the license plate light wires pass through. It is between the left tail light and spoiler mechanism. I stuck a coat hanger through it and it popped out right above the left bumperette bracket.
Taped the rear view camera wire to it and pulled it through.

I need to clean behind these things!

Run the wires up the left side of the trunk, then over the liner bracket. It comes out under the clamshell, right next to the top of the rear shock.

From there, under the foam drip tray, through the roll bar, and tucked into the left side door trim. Up the A pillar, across the top of the windshield, and out the back of the latch/dome light assembly (same with the GPS antenna and power supply which is tapped at fuse E1)

Last edited by particlewave; 09-16-2018 at 10:51 PM.
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