Thread: vintage racer
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Old 08-30-2018, 07:15 PM   #21
The Radium King
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well, first race with the old triumph. i'd had it to a track day several weeks previous, only to get the tow of shame on the last session. had power loss; felt like fuel so opened up the fuel filter and it was full of glittery pixie dust so time for a new fuel pump. got that back in (night before) the first race weekend.

this pic is of the qualifying line up (i was much further back after qualifying):

got one lap of qualifying done, only to have the idle stop screw advance itself while i was zipping around at wot. took foot off throttle to shift and ... still full throttle. so, had to pit and fix my stuff. as a result, for first race i was back of the pack with all the other british cars:

race went well - was able to pass the mini. no ordinary mini, mind you; a 900 lb and several hundred hp mini. he would walk me on the straights but i would reel him in at the corners - he was driving a terrible line. not sure if he didn't know how to drive, or he was trying to block me. regardless, whatever he was doing wasn't working as i was able to get by when a very well driven alfa lapped us.

didn't run the second day - while inspecting the car that eve i noticed that my rotoflex were starting to come apart. in the days before cv joints, triumph used rubber thingies called rotoflex to achieve an irs. 50-year old rubber and racing have a finite lifetime. fortunately there is a cv conversion kit, so hopefully off to the races by end of sept.
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