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Old 08-21-2018, 02:56 AM   #1
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New 17x8.5 wheel approved

“Spec Boxster Rule Change

Based on comments and requests from the racers, PCA Club Racing has decided to make a 2019 rule change for the Spec Boxster class effective immediately; this will allow racers to place orders now and have the product ready for next season. Due to the age of the Boxster platform, and the diminishing supply of OEM Porsche wheels that meet the class specific rules, the class will also allow a specially made aftermarket wheel to be used in competition.
The wheel will be a flow formed wheel made by Jongbloed Racing Wheels specifically for the Spec Boxster class, it will meet the current rulebook requirements for size, weight and offset to match the OEM 17 x 8.5-inch rear wheel and will therefore not offer any competitive advantage over the OEM wheel. The allowance of this wheel gives racers a choice in wheels while keeping the competition fair for those continuing to run an OEM wheel setup.
The Jongbloed wheel will be stamped with “SPB” to enable scrutineers to visually identify the SPB legal wheel from other models that do not meet the specific requirements of the class. The wheel will retail for $349, however Jongbloed Racing Wheels will offer an introductory price of $299 for early orders. The part number for the wheel is JRWPCA17x8.5/48SPB and can be ordered from Jongbloed Racing at 408-776-1380. Contact SPB class advocate John Gladwell for questions.”
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