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Old 05-07-2004, 12:05 PM   #1
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Just picked up a '00 boxster. Ride/handling question.

I have to admit i was pretty rash in purchasing my 2000 2.7 boxster yesterday. I did not do a full inspection. Can you guys tell me how the suspension/handling is supposed to be? It seems that on smooth roads, I am fine. However, on some freeways, with the dips and uneven grooves, I really feel jarring and a rough ride that requires a good hand or 2 on the steering wheel.

For example, running over the raised reflective markers between lanes, seem to be very noticeable.

Also, the right rear side seems to "crash" going over bumps. Is this a shock? How do I tell?

Finally, what can I do to make the ride feel smoother and how much?

Thanks a bunch.
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