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Old 07-14-2018, 05:38 PM   #26
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AZ986S -> An HPDE is a prearranged drivers education event. It has groups based on the drivers experience and passing rules for each of those groups. There is no winner of any given session (Some may beg to differ). Classroom instruction is part of the curriculum. PCA runs great HPDE events.

You have a policy that allows coverage at an HPDE, but and a big but - what if you club race with PCA or run spec Miata in NASA. They can always claim (b) that you were practicing even if you were not running the Miata or your Porsche race car. Your policy is still open to some interpretation. If you only do HPDEs you should be good.

Many companies now simply list that they don't cover anything that takes place at a racetrack period, including just driving around the paddock.

We run TT as the last session of the day to differentiate it from the HPDE that took place before it.

I'm not an attorney - I just help organize and run events with the IRPCA including HPDE, TT and Club Racing.
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