Originally Posted by BirdDog
Sorry for the late reply in welcoming you to the forums...
I found it was really helpful to talk to people face to face about their cars - most Porsche owners I've met are all too happy to show you their car, tell you about any upgrades they've done, problems they've had, and why they love their cars so much.
If you aren't far from Atlanta, you might want to come to one of the monthly club "Socials", which are basically the monthly club meeting held at a restaurant. The location varies each month, and I don't see a location for next month yet, but you can find out what it will be by checking the calendar on the PeachState PCA website ( Home | Peachstate PCA).
You might want to check out one of the Porsches & Coffee meetups - the next one is down in Peachtree City (Starbucks, 130 Peachtree East Shopping Center, Peachtree City GA 30269) on August 4th from 9-11am.
I am in Helen Ga. Seems the perfect spot for a Porsche group to meet up before going on epic ride through the mountain roads up here. I will check and see if there is anything I can make. Would probably feel out of place not being an owner.