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Old 06-23-2018, 06:33 PM   #6
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Big white (but goes away after a few seconds) + CEL (probably flashing, for misfires) plus the power dropping out for a moment during the smoke bomb, typical

Probably you had just:

* Gone through a corner at high rpm, and when you upshifted you got the cloud
* Heavy braking followed by a turn
* Heavy braking followed by 2 quick turns
* Or even just two quick turns

Combined with an oil.level right at the top of the bars or even slightly above?

My first track day in the Boxster, with my oil accidentally slightly overfilled, huge smoke bomb just like you describe. Got home, dropped my oil filter and drained a little oil, never blew another smoke bomb over 50-60 more track days and maybe 30,000 miles.

So you might be ok as is.

Now if is continuous mosquito fogging, then for sure AOS.
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