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Old 06-15-2018, 02:58 PM   #14
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Join Date: Jun 2018
Location: Houston, Texas
Posts: 11
Attached is a PDF of a spreadsheet that I created to help me understand exactly what wiring changes need to be made to a 2001 Boxster with partial CAN buss work with the later DME 7.8 that controls the 3.6L 2003 996 variocam plus that I would like to install.

A green row is a wire that is good to go. No changes needed.

A yellow row is a pin that either needs to be moved or eliminated as it is not used in the DME 7.8

A blue row is and educated guess as to what should be connected to this pin. (I only have three of these.)

I non-highlighted row is pin that I am not sure where it goes whether it is needed. I have six unknowns.

The reasons I am stuck are as follows:

My 2001 Boxster service manual is apparently and early version where not every wire is labeled in English.

Peleican Parts has a picture from a 2002 Carrera manual of sheet 12A of the wiring diagrams. This was immensely helpful in filling in most of the questions I had on plugs A, B, D, and E.

However I need sheet 12 wiring diagram from a 2003ish Carrera to be able to better understand the the pins in plugs C and D that I am not sure where they go.

Any help I can get would be greatly appreciated. I will continue to post updates as I learn things and once I get the car running, I will post a "know good" wiring conversion spreadsheet.
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File Type: pdf DME 7.2 986S to DME 7.8 996.pdf (254.0 KB, 361 views)
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