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Old 05-29-2018, 12:19 PM   #5
The Radium King
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might be post-jacking stance. car is also corner balanced so you won't see nice even fender gaps at all four corners.

rear offset with spacers is -43 with 275 indy 500's; at the track i've run OZ wheels with -40 offset on 275 nt01's for years, so clearances are good with appropriate space between fenders and suspension components.

on the front i have a total offset of -34 (et 49 wheels and a 15 mm spacer - there's a mistake in my initial post) with a 245 tire. again, i also run an OZ wheel with total offset of 38 (et53 and 15 mm spacer) and a 245 nitto with no rubbing issues except at full lock. this is 4 mm further out than that so actually fixes the full lock issue while still being within the fender. there's a bit of rubbing on the front of the fender liner as i turn through; this will fix itself, or a may punch out the liner a few mm with a heat gun.
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