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Old 05-27-2018, 02:02 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Jager View Post
Having owned both, the base for ~ 13 years and the "S" for ~ 8 months now, I'm sure it's simply the difference in the braking performance. The bigger brakes in the "S" model are superior to the base model. Braking performance was one of the first things I noticed when going to the "S" model.
I am sure not much difference in the specs, but more to consider than saying to just buy a base and save your money. You get more car buying an S, S peed tranny, bigger breaks, and more HP. Also because there are less S versions they appear to be holding resale value better. Thats my point, you just can’t say save your money and buy a base, just more to consider.

I weight ratios S to base is 2855 pounds vs 2777 less than 100lb larger moto and breaks most likely difference. Gain is much better breaking and more cubic inches.

Not saying base isnt a nice car just making statements for someone looking, should point out the differences.
2000 Boxster S Ocean Blue Metalic
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