OK new clamps came on Friday, so I installed them. While I had the C pipes off, I tried a baffle. On the passenger side I cut the end off one of the baffles and put it in the C pipe closest to the muffler. This cut the drone down about 75%. Today I put the other baffle in the drivers side C pipe. On this side I used the entire baffle wrapped with hi temp fiberglass. This is the way it came from Car Chemistry. This set up dropped the drone to about 99% gone. It might be too quiet now. I may open the passenger side back up and take another inch or two off that baffle. The way it is now it is basically sounding like the stock system with a crios mod at idle. WOT it is a little louder and deeper. On over run I can hear some burbles. I'll roll with it for a few weeks before i mess with it.