Harry's Lap Timer
Harry's Lap Timer (HLT) is a quick and easy way to get started. If you are just using the 1 Hz GPS in the phone, the speed and accelerometer data overlay is mostly useless, since HLT uses the GPS data refresh rate to capture the other data. That's why when you watch some videos with HLT the speed seems to zoom up and down and the track outline is very jaggedy. Paired with an external GPS at 10 or even 5 Hz (I use 5) speed is updated 5 times per second, the track map is cleaner, and the accel data is sampled 5 times per second. Here is a video with a 5 Hz GPS (QStarz 818XT). Cost around $100 plus the cost of the HLT app.
HLT can also use a bluetooth dongle and get OBD information, but in my experience the refresh rate is awful on pre-can cars and it is useless (edit: refresh rate is poor when using HLT, as you can see below on the RCP and AIM sections, the refresh rate is just fine):
Right now HLT is broken for me an several others that use an external GPS, when using the external GPS we don't get any accelerometer data captured. Harry is working on a new version of HLT with a different sensor architecture that shouldl resolve these issues, and make OBD and other sensor data more responsive, and not synced to the GPS update rate.
Here is a video with the RaceCapture/Track and a Mobius action camera, and put together with Dashware. I am running with a 10 Hz GPS rate, and also capturing throttle position and RPM.
I really like the responsive predictive lap timer and the delta view with this setup.
AIM Solo
A friend of mine loaned me his AIM solo DL recently, and you can use that combined with video rendering software such as dashware to make videos.
Cost: $$$ The AIM Solo plus camera(s)
Apex PRO
The Apex Pro now has data export capability (with iOS app, Android coming soon)
Cost: $449 + camera(s)
Which one do I like?
I like them all for different reasons.
- HLT is simple to use when working, and I can review my videos, with data overlay, between session. However it is currently in a state where I can't use my external GPS and get good accel data, so it is useless for me right now
- RaceCapture/Track - I really like the predictive lap timer and the delta, and now that I have made a dashware profile, it is very easy for me to make my videos, and easy to sync the data with the video if the phone running the RCP app is in view of the camera.
- AIM Solo - very easy to use, since I have the DL and it is connected to the car via the OBD port, it just comes on when I start the car, I don't need to do anything. The videos are very easy to sync the video with the data. It also has powerful analytic software but I don't use it (don't know how
) It has a predictive lap time but it doesn't update as rapidly as the RCP predictive timer. I heard the new solo 2 has a more responsive predictive lap timer. The AIM solo also seems to be able to read the TPS and RPM just a little faster than the RCP/Track, or else they apply some smoothing to the captured data and so it looks like they capture it more times per second.
- Apex Pro - I usually run the device in standalone mode, but if it was the only thing I had, and I had an iPhone, I would run the app too. It has post session analysis features built-in, but doesn't record video.
Note that all of these require an external camera except HLT - I think HLT plus an external GPS is a great combo to start with (when it works....)
- Right now my favorite combo is the AIM Solo + Mobius cameras + Apex Pro in freestyle mode is what I use now.
- If I didn't have the AIM (or once I have to give it back) I'll go back to the RCP/Track + app as I really like that predictive lap timer. But right now the AIM Solo wins out because it is easier to use.
- For getting started - HLT + external GPS was a good combo that I used for several years before moving up.
Even just a GoPro style recording with no data is good as you can see what you're doing and review after the fact. And a lot of cameras these days have built in GPS and provide some overlay, like the GitUp G3 Duo or the Roadhawk.
Video editing software
I use Techsmith Camtasia to make my videos and do the captions and other overlays. it comes with a fully functional 30 day trial so it's easy to check out.
I also use AvidEmux for some simple video editing like cropping or combining raw video - it's free.