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Old 05-17-2018, 09:07 AM   #28
98 Arctic silver 986
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I think a lot of the drone was due to the fact the one of my clamps between the cat and C pipe is past it's prime. I tightened it as much as I could with a 3/8 ratchet. The drone at this point was unreal. It truly sounded like a 120 decibel pipe organ playing around 50hz was behind my head. That was with the top down, up it was even louder. Since I torqued the heck out of the clamp with a 2 foot breaker bar it's much quieter now. I'm sure I could tighten it even more, but i'm scared the bolts will break.
Either way once it gets out of the drone zone it sounds awesome. I will put the new clamps on when they arrive. If that doesn't get rid of it i'll try the baffles.
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