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Old 04-07-2018, 07:02 AM   #23
stephen wilson
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Originally Posted by maytag View Post
My friend, a sand bag to a motorcycle is NOT the equivalent of a telephone pole to a car.
As a professional myself, I'd tell you (as many others already have) that Kim was crashing with or without that sand bag. And I can tell you many, many people (including myself) have hit much, much worse on a run out, without crashing.

Could we say that the sandbag contributed to the severity of the accident? Quite possibly. Maybe probably. But it certainly did not cause the accident. Not even a remote stretch of the imagination could make it so. The cause of the accident is quite clearly Mr Kim running off the race track in a manner that was consistent with a crash. As I said below, he blew it. He blew it. He blew it long before he left the racing surface. And the moment he left the racing surface, he determined he was going to crash. You can see it in his failure to control the motorcycle on the asphalt, and his continued failure to control the motorcycle in the runoff. He blew it. He did it.

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Well yeah, I was exaggerating a bit, and yes, it was a given he's going down. I'll defer to those that have actually raced their bikes, I just ride on the street !
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