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Old 04-05-2018, 08:38 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by thstone View Post
Running the square tire setup (8.5" wheels and 255 tires on all four corners).

Improves the handling immensely.

Safety note: Increasing the front tire width from 205 (or 225) to 255 causes the handling to transition from the stock understeer condition to an oversteer condition. Front and rear adjustable sway bars are needed to bring the handling back to a neutral balance. Don't try this mod without the adj sway bars and some knowledgeable help in setting them up.
I just got the Tarett bars and ran my first weekend with them - even with the "stock" 225/45/17 front 255/40/17 there was so much more mechanical grip. I took 3 seconds off at Carolina Motorsports Park, although that might not be the best comparison since it was a year since my last trip there. However I am going to Roebling in a few weeks, and so I'll know if I really do have more grip, or if it was just the improvements I made over the last year.

Depending on how that goes, I may give the square setup a try...

My favorite mod - that's hard to say. Most of my mods are reliability and safety. Even the bars I mostly got to see if I could reduce tire wear on the edges. probably my FD Mostorsports "Fister" exhaust mod is my favorite mod

And a quick edit: or Ben's ball bearing shifter.
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