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Old 03-06-2018, 03:00 PM   #1
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Posts: 410
Workings of key transponder/transmitter vs newer.

From my understanding of the 986 key it consists of a RFID pill (which is read by a coil in the ignition and verified by the immobilizer) and a transmitter for remote locking/unlocking (I assume it also transmits the same code). My question is how is the operation of this key different from newer cars that have full keyless operation (key always in pocket)? Do these types of keys always transmit a signal, or do they only transmit when in proximity of vehicle? I know that something has to be different as I can't remember changing the battery in my Boxster key, but it seems like I need to change my batteries in my Audi keys almost annually.

Additionally, is there any communication between the Boxster key and the vehicle when the key is left in the car (say on the seat) and is static (no buttons pushed), or to look at it a different way, will leaving the key on the seat drain the key battery sooner?

Sorry if these are detailed questions, I'm just trying to understand the difference between the two types of keys. If anyone here has detailed information regarding the types, please feel free to share specifics.

As always, thanks in advance. We are all in this together.
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