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Old 02-21-2018, 05:50 PM   #11
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If your donor engine had previous water pump problems and you've found plastic parts of the impeller in the water system, don't use a water pump with metal impeller. This can cause fatal fails if there is a bigger part of plastic still in there. In case of a plastic impeller failure, you'll mostly find a lot plastic parts in the oil/water heat exchanger.

If there is no plastic or any other debree in the system i don't see any problems with metal impeller water pumps (use one myself). But these pumps needs to be changed preventive before they.

Are we talking about an 2002 (252 HP) and 2003 (260 HP) ROW engine or are we talking about US engines / harnesses?

Regards, Markus

Last edited by Smallblock454; 02-21-2018 at 06:15 PM.
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