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Old 12-19-2017, 03:59 AM   #57
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Originally Posted by black pegasus View Post
I thought I'd wanted one of these cars. I've even drove a few. But nevertheless I don't think this car is for me. Porsche used the customer to propel its transition to water cooled cars all the while leaving them in the dust as well as their lustrous history.
The water cooled cars saved Porsche from bankruptcy (specifically the boxster) and are more reliable and durable especially in use as a daily driver than the air cooled cars are. If you've really put 220k on an 86 911, then you know how much work you've had to do to that car. Boxsters need maintenance too. However, all engines fail. Nothing is impervious. Hope your 911 motor isn't next. For the amount you can get a boxster vs an air cooled 964 or 993, I'll take a boxster with a slim chance of motor failure any day.
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