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Old 12-16-2017, 05:10 AM   #30
Brian in Tucson
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Join Date: Jul 2017
Location: Tucson AZ
Posts: 536
I work under the Porsche with jackstands. The only way my car is coming off those suckers is if there's 7.0 earthquake or if an A-10 from the air base crashes into my house. Neither is likely in Tucson.

My ramps are made by Rhino and came from Autozone for about $45. They are plastic and I believe made from recycled Coke bottles and water bottles.

I have a bunch of floor jacks, but for doing a lot of work under the Boxster, I drive it up on the ramps and then use a 12 ton air jack from Harbor Freight. And then put it on my 6 ton jackstands. My worksurface is 6" concrete, very level, btw.
2001 Boxster
2007 Toyota Highlander
2003 New Beetle Convertible, Turbo, Tip 6 speed
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