The previous owner of my black 986S had the two outside grills painted red. I knew from the first time I saw it that I would be painting them satin black as soon as winter was here. The bumper comes off pretty easy and I pulled the two grills and wet sanded them in the kitchen sink. I already have a filtered dust collector in the shop and fashioned a small paint booth out of cardboard. I wiped them down a second time with 3M grease and wax remover and shot them with a higher quality spray paint made for plastic. They turned out looking very nice.
While I had the bumper off I cut a pieces of aluminum mesh that I had leftover from a previous project for the center radiator opening. I cut it to size with about a 3/8" overlap. Then I formed a 90 degree lip around the mesh using a small anvil and body hammer. I sanded down the new grill with a scotch brite pad and painted it satin black as well. The front bumper has gussets molded in the plastic around the inside of the center port. I drilled 1/8" holes carefully through the center of each gusset all the way around the center port. Then I used small zip ties through the holes and through the grill to hold it all tightly in place. I think I used around 16 zip ties. Overall I am pleased with the results and and cost was next to nothing. I'll see if I can post a picture later.
Cheers. Ernie