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Old 12-06-2017, 12:50 PM   #1536
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Originally Posted by KRAM36 View Post
I don't know what the deal is with Nine8Six. He could have all his products for sell right now and be making money hand over fist. He comes up with a new idea, people love it, he makes them and seems to get bored and moves onto another project and drops the previous product.

I can understand your frustration of not being able to purchase.
Like any Hobbyist playing with the Boxster and making stuff for it is an optional as time permits type thing since there is a day job and family that also has its demands.

Setting up the equipment to produce dozens of these sets is time consuming so you must be able to appreciate that a significant commitment needs to be made and its not like he is making much money on any of this stuff so its better to license the product and move on.

As a tinkerer myself what you say is also true. You innovate and produce something for an initial group and then move on to something else (Hobby!). Think of it as a limited edition product that turns out to be more valuable after you see other people with them but you can't have one because you missed the boat.

I bought a set that I have not installed yet, I just happen to be back on the thread looking for the instructions of dismantling the headlight in order to do the install. I bought a practice headlight to bake in the oven to release the glue for the lens removal and once that practice is done they are going in the car.

You might be able to convince others who have uninstalled or even installed kits and see what price they might accept to part with their lights. I paid around $375 delivered if I recall correctly.

As an alternative to Nine8six projectors you could get these others if you cant wait for the new batch.(I'd wait, it will be worth it)
Check post #1
"It broke because it wants to be Upgraded "
2012 Porsche Performance Driving School - SanDiego region
2001 Boxster S, Top Speed muffler, (Fred's) Mini Morimotto Projectors, Tarret UDP,
Short Shifter, Touch Screen Dual Din Radio, 03 4 Bow glass Top (DD & Auto-X since May 17,2012)

Last edited by jb92563; 12-06-2017 at 04:01 PM.
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