Thread: clutch cost
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Old 12-06-2017, 04:36 AM   #30
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clutch job cost

I know im brining up a 2 year old thread, but I was doing search on this issue and thought I'd post regarding my current state of affairs with this little mistress

Bought the car a year ago, only put 2500 miles on her since getting her home, had noticed there was a different feel here on the clutch than my 2000 S had, even at 90k miles that clutch was solid -
I bought this car from a older gentleman, he only put 36k miles on it in 20 years( its a 1997) finally decided it might have a slave cylinder issue took it in to independent service (George the head mechanic was with Porsche for 45 years!) - so for sure its the disc and pressure plate just worn since the previous owner must have been really hard on it slipping it a lot - in my 35 years of driving , owner of 10 standard transmission cars most sports cars I have never burnt out a clutch , ever! I have had cars go well over 150k miles on original clutch SO you never know about the original owner. -
Now my quote for the job with new RMS is $1400 with out the flywheel - if we do that oem its $750 more (no extra labor cost) and I am looking at doing the IMS while there since its only $700 or so more while there - probably doing the Cylindrical bearing like the Vertex - George says hes done over a hundred of those with none of them coming back or failing - I know the LN dual row has a good rating too etc but they still only warranty it and recommend replacement before 50k miles - will see but will all the chatter on forums all over the place you have to go with what the experts recommend - either LN or the Cylinder type both have almost a zero failure-

wonder if anyone here has experience with the Vertex type or (don't know brand)
either way with out flywheel im into it for $2100 including IMS, RMS etc, OR just under $3000 if we have to do the flywheel , but hard not to do the ims even with a early dual row that hardly ever failed- hate to take the chance. ,

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