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Old 11-29-2017, 03:41 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by steved0x View Post
The 997 rear track arm is the same as the 996 all four corners track arm and the 986 Boxster front track arm, you can get it as a TRW or Meyle part for way cheaper than the Porsche branded part and much better than the various off brand parts that show up from time to time, part # 99733104301, on the Meyle website they make this and show it as a cross for 99634104306 and a couple of other part numbers (earlier revisions maybe?)

I am running these on my car now in the front, ordered Meyle brand from FCP Euro and they sent TRW by mistake which was OK with me so I kept them and installed them. They are an exact match.
What is going on with TRW? Are they getting out of aftermarket or is Porsche cracking down? I cannot find TRW anywhere. Sites that show them don't stock them and when called find they are NLA. Lower control arms have ben unavailable forever and now uppers also gone????

Last edited by 911monty; 11-29-2017 at 03:45 PM.
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