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Old 10-18-2017, 10:58 AM   #15
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Join Date: Apr 2016
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Posts: 199
Nice info people. Keep it coming.

As far as sources, the only available info based on datalogging I have found comes from Chris Cervelli in this thread:
Please read the thread as I don't want to quote too much of his work. However, here are some key findings.

Others might not agree with his findings, but until data is available which proves otherwise this is the information I choose to go with. Based on his logs he states that:

I didn't test it completely, but the X51 sump seemed to perform MUCH WORSE than stock.

Accusumps don't address the problem at all, although they can be helpful in very extreme circumstances.

Dual scavenge pumps on the cylinder heads do nothing to address the problem.

The problem gets worse as oil/coolant temperature goes up.

The problem in 2.5 liter engines is less severe than in larger engines. A 2.7 is much worse than a 2.5, and I expect (but have not tested) that the 3.2 + engines are worse yet.

The severity of the problem is not very dependent on the speed of the car or driver. I have data showing that a driver going 5 seconds a lap slower than another driver in the same car, in the same race, with the same temperatures, does not significantly reduce the risk of bearing failure.

Last edited by Bebbetufs; 10-18-2017 at 11:11 AM.
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