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Old 10-17-2017, 10:03 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by AZ986S View Post
I'm a firm believer in that you make you own luck I will do the things that give me peace of mind (within reason and budget), and for the rest, just enjoy!

Obviously, I would do the IMS bearing upgrade first, but M96-97 engines have some pretty serious issues with engine oil starvation if you push them hard... start with the right oil, oil quantity, oil filter, oil sump baffles, maybe a deep sump and an Accusump. There are other more expensive things you can do like dual scavenge pumps, and even a dry sump upgrade (if you have the money or skills). Oil pressure and temperature gauges will help some, but a real data logger would be best since your focus on the track should be outside not inside.

It all depends on your driving skill level, what you want to do with your car (track only or track/daily driver), and off course your budget.
Thanks for your detailed reply. Do you have any datalogs you might share?
I will be running a datalogger, but I have no logs yet.

I want to keep driving as hard as I can on the best suspension and tyres I can afford. It is a stripped, fully caged race car build. I'm also allowed aero changes such as a real splitter and rear wing.

Last edited by Bebbetufs; 10-17-2017 at 10:19 PM.
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