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Old 10-17-2017, 08:02 AM   #72
2003 S, Arctic Silver, M6
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Location: Winnipeg, MB, Canada
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Originally Posted by guruuno View Post
The reason my Dent Wizard guy know is because he's GOD.
I've owned 75+ vehicles in my life, and have had my share of dings and heartaches.
A few months ago he was referred to me on the VWVortex forum (my '16 GTI), and he is truly a wizard. Magic. Ding gone, no trace.
Last month a 2x4 accidentally fell on my front fender (Boxster) and ripped my heart out.
He's GOD, it does not exist any longer, it's gone, no trace.
I've had others (dings and 'ding masters') over the years but none as good as Bruno.
He knows a lot about cars, knows the right people, all the scoops, etc., his opinion and references for me are worthy of consideration, so I trust his references, etc.

Moving forward, I've read through all 4 pages of this post, and want to be sure I try this (before I pay someone to do it if it is as easily resolved as stated here).
This "tab" with the screw, remove them? That's it? No negative effect whatsoever? If so, what was the purpose of it to begin with? And, has anyone experienced any negative effects from removing it?
I'll re-upload the photo for reference, to be sure.
And just peel the top back to get at it when it's slightly open?
Appreciate the help/all.
Been about 18 months for me and no issues.
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