Was at AMP last Saturday for the first PCA DE event of the season.
I'm very happy with my setup (for now

This was the first 5 real heat cycles on these Federal 595 RSR tires, and so I did some experimenting on tire pressures to try to find the optimal, considering the tires are fresh. Here's my data. No pyrometer data unfortunately.
Session Air Temp Start tire pressure End tire pressure Comment
1 82 30 30 31 31 34 34 35 35 First session on new tires
2 85 31 31 32 32 35 35 36 36 Not pushing too hard
3 90 28.5 28.5 30 30 34 34.5 35.5 35.5 Best grip yet
I also chalked all 4 tires and after the first 2 sessions, the tires had not rolled much, and so bled some pressure and lowered the starting pressures. Felt like much better grip and the chalk marks were finally starting to roll over the shoulder, but I was surprised at just how little!
All in all, these R-Comps felt sooooo much better than my worn out RS3s. I'm just getting used to the much lower audible feedback from these tires. They do talk to you, but not as much and you have to pay attention. Only once in session 3 did I even get it loose in a turn

The IPhone lateral G force data showed that I was maxing out at about 1.09 Gs, so there is more grip still!
Oh and the Accusump did its job, but looking at the video footage, it only activated during the 2nd half of the 20 minute sessions (hotter oil), and then even in very short bursts. If anyone is interested, I can post a youtube video.
Best time of the day was 1:59 on the last session (#5).